Thursday, March 4, 2010

Scrappy Cat

First of all, I just wanted to note that my order of plastic eyes came in today! 

I'm so excited. I've always made plushies with felt eyes, which to me always looks unfinished. I did have to buy in bulk--the seller only sells them in lots of 6 packs of 6 eyes apiece. I'd better get crafting!

I made a second attempt at the kitty UFO-doll-inspired pattern, with some minor modifications. And thus, Scrappy Cat was born:

I constructed him out of two veeeeeeeeery small scraps of faux brown fur that I had lying around (plus a couple of tiny felt scraps for the fronts of his ears). Since not all the pattern pieces fit onto the scraps, I did take a few minor liberties to get him all stitched together. But, I think he turned out well!

Doesn't he have such a sweet expression? I think it's because his ears are so low on his head. I meant for them to be higher up, but they... drifted... somehow. But it still works.

The color is a little off (what can I say--I live under fluorescent lights), but this is really just to show that he has a little fluffy tail.

It amazes me how different fabrics behave even when I'm using the same pattern. Felt HATES this pattern, but the faux fur took to it really well. Check it out:

Same pattern, but better materials lead to a much cuter result. Huzzah!

I'm hoping to get my Etsy shop up and running by the end of March. If I complete at least one plushie a day, I should have a good amount of stock by then.

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